About News Slider

News Slider app allows user to create the news and offers with images and publish them on their online store by assigning those news to any of the groups in an amazing slider format which will keep sliding & switching the news.

Some of the great Features of this App
Merchant can create and assign pages to the groups.
Merchant can create groups as per the requirement and also can assign pages to those group, the slider will appear on all those pages with selected group’s news.
Merchant can create news for the store.
Automatic can create news for the store and assign those news to multiple groups as well.
Merchant can configure and enable automatic news option.
Admin can customize automatic news option and can edit, delete, publish or unpublish the news anytime.
Merchant can save news to draft
Merchant can save the news as draft format and later can publish them whenever required.
How It works

We are offering this amazing app at an extremely reasonable price of $5.00 per Month per month.


For any help , suggestion or query regarding the App , please get connected with us on : (+91)-9650486699 support@webkul.com we will be glad to hear from you