FAQ Details

  • How Can I Install The App?

    You are required to have a Shopify store to be able to use this app. From the below given link you can install the app by entering you Shopify store URL and clicking on install button.

  • What Is The Monthly Fee For The App ?

    This app is available at the pricing of $5 per month.

  • How to uninstall the OTP on cart app?

    To uninstall the app, you need to remove the app from the "Apps" menu of your Shopify Store.

    Go to your Shopify store backend>> Visit the "Apps" section >> Here click the "Delete" button to uninstall the OTP on cart app.

    NOTE:- As soon as you remove/uninstall/delete the app on your Shopify store, we will send you an email asking you to allow us to delete app-related data from our end.
    Kindly confirm the same.

  • What Is The Purpose That The App Is Solving ?

    This app lets you validate cart of your buyers through OTP before proceeding towards checkout. Cart is validated when clicked on proceed to checkout and an otp is sent to buyers registered mobile number and only when the buyer enter the same otp then they are able to proceed for checkout.

  • Which SMS gateway is integrated?

    Twilio SMS engine is integrated in this to ensure that the OTP is sent to customers contact number.
    Please note that you are compulsorily required to have a Twilio account. And all the charges for SMS will be borne by you and your twilio account. Here we just provide the integration of Twilio.

  • How To Configure The App ?

    In configuration section of the app you have to enter your Twilio account credentials and token keys to activate Twilio for sending SMS. 
    -->and to add Phone Number option during registration, you have to copy the below given code into customers/register.liquid file:

    Note: Add '+' and your country code before phone number

    --> For OTP validation during checkout, you have to copy the below given code into cart.liquid file


  • Where can i find Twilio API details?

    To get the Twilio API details click here :

  • What is the pricing structure of Twilio?

    To know Twilio Pricing details Click on the link given below and choose your country.

  • What are the important instructions to use Twilio?

    The important instruction pdf file is given in the 'important note' box in configuration section of the app, you can download the same as well from there.
    Refer this screenshot : http://prntscr.com/ekz1xh

    Here are the important instructions:



    Enter your email address and password.

    After login follow this link : https://www.twilio.com/console to get "Account
    SID" and "Auth Token"


    To get Sender Phone No follow this link :

    Fill the above mentioned details in OTP on Cart app's twilio configuration page:

    To receive OTP on any number you have to add the same number as a "Verified
    Caller Id" through this link: https://www.twilio.com/console/phonenumbers/verified




  • Any important fact about the app?

    OTP on Cart app is yet not combatible for AJAX cart.

  • Can i change the front end labels?

    Yes, you can change all the labels of the app getting displayed on front end from the label section of configuration.